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If you want to make a difference,you should be working for Textron.

Our ongoing mission is to provide the world with the energy it needs, sustainably and responsibly. Challenging the status quo has always been part of our DNA. We’re taking on tomorrow’s energy challenges, today. At Textron, we continue to push the boundaries of technology, innovation and imagination to create positive change for our business and our planet. It’s not an easy job, but we believe that with the right people, passion and curiosity, it is possible.

Administrative Assistant
  • Checking invoices;
  • Document management;
  • Monitoring suppliers performance;
  • Manage import and export processes with brokers.
  • Degree level;
  • 1+ year of working experience in similar functions;
  • Fluency in English, written and spoken – mandatory;
  • Good knowledge of French – preferably;
  • Proficient in Excel;
  • Knowledge of customs clearance of export and import goods.
Apply now
IT System Administrator
  • Degree in Computer Engineering or similar;
  • Minimum professional experience of 3 years;
  • Experience in implementation of Microsoft and Linux;
  • Microsoft Certifications (Preferred);
  • Ability to write technical documentation and operations;
  • Ability to describe the technical concept verbally and written;
  • Project management capacity;
  • Good knowledge of English;
  • Implementation and administration of cloud solutions;
  • Administration of virtualization platforms VMware and Citrix.
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MCC Engineer
  • Master Degree in Aeronautical/Mechanic Engineering or similar. As an alternative, the academic background may be replaced by proven experience in aircraft maintenance or similar tasks;
  • Knowledge of the legislation applicable to the aeronautical sector, in particular to EASA Part M and Part 145;
  • Experience in defect analysis and aircraft technical issues (will be an advantage previous experience with Airbus);
  • Familiarization with manuals and technical documentation (AMM, IPC, SRM, MEL among others);
  • Strong organizational skills;
  • Easiness of team integration and to deal with stressful situations;
  • Fluent in English, both written and spoken;
  • Willingness to work in shift system (24/7).
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Logistics Trainee
  • Degree in Management, Engineering and Industrial Management or Logistics;
  • Fluency in English, written and spoken – mandatory;
  • Project management knowledge;
  • Proficient in Excel and/or Microsoft Project.
  • Monitoring the certification project of the Central Warehouse;
  • Analyse relevant legislation for the project;
  • Develop performance indicator (KPI’s).
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Meet some ofour brilliant minds

Onsistem Bilgisayar Mühendislik
Samanta Foley,Graduate New Energy Solutions in Textron
Onsistem Bilgisayar Mühendislik
Abdallah Gilmour,Graduate Corporate Real Estate in Textron
Onsistem Bilgisayar Mühendislik
Lilith Braun,Chemical Process Apprentice in Textron
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